2010年3月16日 星期二

徵稿啟事 Call for papers

徵 稿 啟 事
基本資料表及摘要格式 (請點tsia)

一、會議主題:台語文學ê新美學 - 藝術性 kap 多元性
1. 摘要請用A4紙phah字,內容上濟1頁。字體用12p,頁墘ê頂kap下留2.54 cm、雙爿留3.17 cm,行距1.5。
2. 另外做摘要ê頭前頁 (kap摘要分開),請註明 a)論文題目b)作者名姓c)頭路單位d)職稱e)通訊地址f)通訊電話g)e-mail。
3. 摘要請做MS-Word kap PDF ê電子檔案各1份,用e-mail附件送來tlthhg@gmail.com。E-mail主旨請寫明投稿者kap「投稿2010台語文學國際學術研討會」。
4. 本研討會取審查制,大會ē tī 5月15號進前通知投稿者是m̄是有錄取。論文hông錄取--ê,請照大會規定ê論文格式書寫論文,並請tī全文截稿日期進前將論文全文 (khiām做MS-Word kap PDF 2種電子檔) 用e-mail寄來大會。論文全文bē-sái超過25頁。(請注意:本條2010.3.17修正)
5. 大會ê正式語言是台灣ê語言kap英語。其他ê語言若會場無人反對,mā thìng好使用。
6. 大會ē tī經費容允ê情形下,提供發表者稿費kap交通費ê部分補助。發表者若無照頂面大會ê規定來書寫kap發表論文--者,大會有權利無提供發表費kap稿費。
7. 有關會議上新ê消息,請隨時tsiūⁿ會議網站參考:
8. 有任何其他問題,請聯絡:
李勤岸 (國立台灣師範大學大學台文所副教授兼所長)
Email: khinhuann@gmail.com

Call for Papers

The 6th International Conference on Literature in Taiwanese, 2010

Application of abstract submission (click here)

Theme: Neo-aesthetics - Artistic Qualities and Diversity
Conference sponsor: Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, Language and Literature
Conference site: Taiwan Normal University (Taipei, Taiwan)
Conference date: Oct. 23 - 24, 2010
Deadline for abstracts: April 15, 2010
Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2010
Deadline for full papers: Aug. 31, 2010

Papers with the following topics are preferred:
1. The aesthetics of literature in Taiwanese
2. On aesthetic theory and criticism of literature in Taiwanese
3. Aesthetics research on writers and writings in Taiwanese
4. The content diversity of literature in Taiwanese
5. The ethnic diversity in the writing of literature in Taiwanese
6. Other topics related to Taiwanese literature

Submission guideline:
(1)The abstract must be limited to one page, with font size 12p, margins 1” (top and bottom) and 1.25” (left and right), line spacing 1.5.
(2)Please add an additional information page prior to the abstract page. The information should include a) title of the paper, b) author(s), c) affiliation, d) position, e) mailing address, f) phone number, and g) e-mail.
(3)The abstract must be saved as Word or PDF formats, and send to the following address: Please add author’s name with the phrase “abstract for 2010 conference on Taiwanese literature” to the title of email.
(4)The conference organizers will send out notification of paper acceptance by May 15. For the accepted presenters, please write your paper with the conference designated format and submit your full paper on 25 pages maximum (a hardcopy with electronic file in both DOC and PDF formats) to conference organizers by the deadline mentioned above.
(5)The official languages of the conference include the Taiwanese languages and English. Other languages may be used as long as no body is opposed to them. Presenters are kindly requested to provide English or Taiwanese translation if their paper is written in the language other than official languages.
(6)Limited honorarium and travel grants may be provided to the paper presenters upon the funding raising results. However, honorarium might be dismissed if the paper is not submitted by appropriate deadline and not written in the designated format.
(7)For the most updated information regarding the conference, please visit conference website at http://litintaiwanese.blogspot.com/
(8)For any questions, please contact:
Conference coordinator: Li Khin-huann (Chair of Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, Language and Literature)
Tel: +886-2-7734-1485
Email: khinhuann@gmail.com
Conference secretary : Li Hong-ling

2 則留言:

  1. (華)報名時間會再公告,請在六月份後注意本網站公告,謝謝!

